Thursday, May 26, 2005

new skills

Sarah's new skills include:
(just today I noticed) getting up to a sitting position from a laying down position. I come to her bed cause she is crying and there she is...sitting up. Wonder of wonders. :)
(Andy discovered) pulling herself up (hanging onto our window seat) to a standing position.

She has also developed the cutest scrunchie faced smile that Cherie describes perfectly on her blog and I quote, "She likes to show off her top gums where teeth are not yet appearing. So she will lift her face high squish her eyes close and smile super big!" My mom thinks that she's getting my smile. I smile super big and my top gums show when I smile too.
We had quite the laugh-fest after I finished feeding her solids at the Abraham's the other day. She'd give her new smile, sitting there in the highchair all messy-faced, and we would laugh so hard and then she'd do it again.

Wanted to share one highlight from the weekend. We always have a worship service together as a family on Sun. morn. It's really cool that all the families on my Dad's side (who's vacation weekend this was) are Christians and we can do this together. As one part of worship we each took a stick of plastiscene and made something that symbolizes what we are thankful for. Then we went around and people put them on the table in the middle as they explained what they had created. I believe God gave me this idea one night as I was laying in bed. It was really neat to see what people unbroken circle (symbolizing our family), a banana (the 3 year old likes fruit), a bus (symbolizing we are all on the same 'bus' headed to heaven)...and on and on...there are over 30 of us. Erin, do you know the exact number?

Sarah was entirely unpredictable today. It felt like I was waiting all day for her to nap...She'd yawn and yawn, but no, not tired. So, we went for a walk around 3:45pm to do something I had planned and boy it was HOT. Andy said it was 30 today? Anyway, she got really hot I think. We took the bus home. I'm not huge on hot summers, that's why I totally grooved :) on the summer at Crowsnest last year, as we only had a bit of hot weather and there was plenty of shade at camp. Went to Pilates tonight. That was lovely. The lady leading it is very relaxed though...maybe it was the introductory night. I really enjoy this lady named Colleen (who's Pilates class I've also been to). She never stops talking the entire class because she instructing you on all the things to remember and encouraging and challenging you. I think Colleen is an award winning instructor actually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the family is up to 38 or even 40 with all the new married in's! That was an awesome church/worship time, Cara!

11:12 PM  

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