more ranchland reflections :)
What is in your pocket? A clothespin. (just a weird interesting intro sentence).
Well, our time (less than 24 hours) with the Abrahams and Cherie (an Abrahams also) was wonderful. They came ladden with gifts (rhubarb, clothesline, brownies etc.) and helped with stuff (pulled weeds, collected trash around our house) and most importantly visited with us and Sarah. We had a fire with bannock in the evening after our soup and 2 salad meal. Camp had leftover veggies from the last rental group that really came in handy. :) The curtains turned out pretty well. I made one too short, but alas hurray it fit Sarah's window. Speaking of Sarah, she had a crazy night (me too, then) last night...not sleeping more than 2.5 hrs in a row...We had a little snack in the middle of the night (she asked for it), books, lots of nursing...some tylenol, I think it's the back two molars she may be getting. So, today we took it easier. I tend to do crafts with her when I'm We did some painting and potato stamping. Had a nice time out in our front yard with a snack of oatmeal and coloring/writing in the afternoon. It rained slightly this morn. so it was very fresh and nice with the sun coming down. Andy mowed all the lawns at camp today. Made some rhubarb sauce with cane sugar and honey today (yum). Thought I had more, maybe it'll come. Hm. Enjoying (it's sad though) 'Angela's Ashes' for reading right now. - Frank McCourt. Sarah 'helped' Andy plant our potatoes last night in the bed Andy dug up while I did dishes and listened (loudly) to Narnia - I think it was the Silver Chair. Oh, Mom A, I planted the violas and one was wiltly when it went in, but this morning it's all perky again. They look great. I think these are the first real flowers I've planted. Can you give me instructions on the marigold again (when to go out etc.)?
I have this problem with cracks in my thumbs and sometimes pointer fingers. It's from dry skin, but I've had these open cracks that will not heal for about 2 weeks. I keep them covered with a bandaid and have been putting vitamin E on them. I think I'll pick up some finger condoms (weird sounding I know) for when I bake/put away dishes/do anything 'clean', because I'm always thinking, "aw, that bandaid has got to be dirty from when I changed Sarah etc.). Speaking of that, she's been doing more potty trips etc. Today she was wandering around diaperless playing and I noticed her keep making trips to the toliet and the one time she pooped. There was also a small spot of pee on the carpet. Well, I should probably head to bed so I collect some good sleep because I didn't like how I get short-I-wouldn't-say-tempered When I'm operating under compromised conditions. Prayed for supernatural energy today which I totally experienced - thank you God.
Please pray for me with regards to when/how much to get invovled with camp. Been thinking about this lately. Andy had a good perspective about us being the only married people on staff (him) and these single people may not really know exactly what life is like for us (and having a family). Ah, this comes out of a meeting with Carol, the director, where she said the ball is in my court as to when/if/how much I want to be involved, cause she said something about thinking I would get bored. I'm sure not yet...I always find there is tons to do - canning beans, washing dishes,laundry (hang it on the line season), PLAY with Sarah, bake, cook, clean, be active, sleep, pay know, talk with my husband. I think we'll have people over soon, and they'll get more of a picture of what our life is like and get to know us more.
Also, I've found lately that I can get annoyed at Sarah and wish she'd do something faster or stop being goofy at night when I'm putting her to sleep so I can get her to bed and have time alone...I don't want to spend as much time wishing she'd be doing something else. I'd like to enjoy the moment more. On that note, we had a good daytime goofy session with silly faces and laughter today and she loved when I was grinding rice in the coffee grinder and making funny faces and shaking the machine at the same time :) Her language is exploding by the way...she says so much (halves of words mostly). 'Flower' is a cute one. And did I ever say her name for Dad is "Gaw." Mine is Mama. "Da Da" or "Da Dat" means "What's that?" Looking forward to May long weekend vacation with my Dad's extended side of the family - but Andy can't come cause we have a guest group here. Awh. Ok, realy now, goodnight.
Any recommends on discipline books for toddlers (and older) from a Christian perspective (Mom K, I know you prob. have a list)?
I sent you a list via email. I wanted to say they are not all overtly Christian - but I find them compatible with Christian principles. A couple are Jewish - ie Coloroso.
I hear you on the patience thing. Raising children is not a speedy thing. If you want to honor them - everything takes longer - but it makes Jesus smile - I'm sure of it. Remember how he was busy and the disciples wanted to rush the children away and Jesus said "No - do not hinder them - let them come" and he put his hands on them and blessed them. We are his hands - and when we bless our children he is pleased.
On another more human note - remember the wooden stool I threw across the room making a hole in the gyprock because my patience ran out having you little curious girls too close, creeping closer and closer, til I no longer had enough elbow room to knead the bread? Ah not one of my finer moments and scary for you kids. Sorry. I needed a time out to think of a better plan.
One thing that helped me in the evenings sometimes is that Dad would sometimes put you kids to bed - either one of us. We'd usually have stories together - the whole family - before Steve. When you were younger I would nurse you, then I was off the hook. Sometimes (maybe once or twice a week??) I would do something else - like have a bath, read a book, sleep, and Dad would explain that it was his turn and I was busy. It was great. Usually we were a tag team. But I really appreaciated knowing when it was NOT my night - after stories - for the popping out of bed - I want another water - I have to go potty scene.
Love and prayers,
About your cracked fingers and the finger condoms, another thing you could use is liquid bandaid, it covers your cracks and you can still do dishes etc... I find it works well. Also a good discipline book, I've heard is by Dr.James Dobson "Dare to Discipline" I myself have a daughter(5) and a son (4months) and I struggle with the whole patience thing as well, I think all us moms do. Just keep praying and working on it. Another good thing is to have support and someone to talk to who understands, like your mom :) Anyway, hope that helps.
Hey Cara,
Dr.Dobson has rewritten Dare to discipline- 'The New Dare to Discipline'. We did a bible study at church, we enjoyed this very much. he recommends starting discipline at 18months. If you want it you could borrow it.
Cara, I am working my way through 'making your children mind without losing yours' by Dr. Kevin Leman.....the trick with any help/advice book is that you have be willing to do what it says in order for it to work:)
I hadn't read this before posting my own blog so... I hear you LOUD and CLEAR. Don't know what to say except for that and Good luck! some days are better than others.
I relate.
hello Cara
Happy Mother's Day
I am far away but enjoyed reading your blog- not sure of your email
could you email me at store and i can get that mail from here
May God give you strength, wisdom and patience as you and andy raise Sarah- see you soon, lk, dad
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