a song for every day
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- Monkey smells the flowers.
- Video day - shooting for camp video...Sarah and I ...
- Pinky (camp name) and La la (Sarah's camp name, ca...
- A view from inside the dining hall at RockRidge ca...
- Cherise and Sarah. Awesome environment there...the...
- We got to ride in the boat and here we are...I was...
- At Rockridge camp (also near Princeton, run by You...
- Setting up one of the 'blobs' for summer use, duri...
- Sometimes I eat snacks here.
- At the river after church one hot day. I love how ...
:: Our family business::
Abundant Acre Family Farm
:: Immediate Family Blogs ::
Sister Aimee
Mom Kathy
Brother Steve
Steve & Carolyn
Sister-in-law Heidi
Sister-in-law Cherie
Brother-in-law James
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Cara, who's the gal with the red hair? I think I might know her.
PS some great photos of late, by the way.
Sorry we couldn't make it out to help at camp this time 'round. We would have loved to, but with baby so near- been having false labour the past week already- and weddings etc. we just have had too much on the go. (and plus we still don't have a vehicle of our own!) P'raps next year!!
Miss you guys! Let us know when you're in K-town next for a grocery load-up!
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