a song for every day
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- A bit of a walk along the kettle valley railway. I...
- Sarah and ground squirrels at the park in town. We...
- The Nesbitt family. Jody, Anilee, Joseph and Brent...
- Mom A sent up these flowers in boots...thanks, we ...
- Front yard...Andy mowed around the daisies...so we...
- Our summer staff at the end of the 'welcome' where...
- There's the catch. Andy got this little one.
- Me trying fly fishing - first time.
- July 1st fishing trip.
- Playing at the beach...sandcastle day.
:: Our family business::
Abundant Acre Family Farm
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Sister Aimee
Mom Kathy
Brother Steve
Steve & Carolyn
Sister-in-law Heidi
Sister-in-law Cherie
Brother-in-law James
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Lovely, lovely picture show Cara! Thank you - new wallpaper for our computer, ahh, so much to choose from. Bless you, right where you are - looking so forward to hugging you all in person soon. Grandma A.
That book looks Usborne to me...is it?
Yup...Daisy the Doctor...lives at the dining hall...it's a favorite for sure!...an itchy girl with ezema on her knee...:)
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