Happy Birthday Dad! I can't locate the photo I really wanted for this post...it was of me, Aimee and Steve with Dad in the backyard sitting around a small card table. Dad is playing guitar and Steven has a drum I think and one of us has overturned small yogourt containers and the last person some other thing to make music with. I just loved that - how, we were included and you could see that Dad was probably having fun, playing guitar, as he always does, and so were we making music with us. So, here's an old shot (not too old...it's a six string, not the twelve) of Dad playing in honor of your birthday. Love who you are Dad.
Hello Cara, just found out about this entry here today, sorry I don't check all these blogs very often- thanks for the picture and the kind words - Yes, I love music on the acoustic guitar. Reading a book on songwriting now and hoping to write more songs in the future- Had quite a birthday- at the store we had the summer reading wrapup party from 9:30 - 11:00 it was a great crowd and lots of fun , Sam Goerzen, son of Stan and Annamarie won the bike- Lyndon P was in the crowd so he made sure they all sang for me- then later that night - at the prayer time before the concert with Firstborn Live and the Revelators they sang happy birtdday- then there was free cake in the coffeehouse - which Becky had purchased- then another H B song- then when he next band came on they had a rockin blues birthday song and gave me a beautiful photograph of Firstborn Live, when they played recently with Blind Boys of Alabama in Abb. It wa taken by the very gifted Carmen Tome. Sunday we did a country gospel worship time at Northside ch and had a chili cookoff and pie baking contest - Amazing food- Guess what - My mom, your grandmother- won the pie contest - Later that night My mom and dad , greg K, brittenay,a friend of hers and Rosie went to Boston Pizze in Mission- So wow what a weekend- then Monday and today I have quite a cold - guess I couldn't handle it all- but I think its leaving fast- Our friend Earl Schartner died on WEd - we were so blessed to be able to see him only 2 weeks before he went to glory- Shirley his wife called today and asked if we cold sing something at his memorial service in Mission on Friday- They had a service for him on Sunday in Calgary area- Okay I think I should quit because this is the longest blog comment ever written - I think I could take all this and just start my own blog- I love you and Andy and Sarah very much- Thanks a lot for the Birthday call and the blog entry,- God bless you richly, may he give you guys strength, joy, wisdom and health in the days ahead,
Love, Dad
Thanks for the great comment Dad - yah, what a couple of days. When I looked at the HOJ email about the concerts I thought - oh, what a great b-day concert line up for you. what kind of pie did Grma make? Hope you get better soon too! We are feeling much better although we still have some smoke in the mornings or whenever the wind brings it our way and that bothers our lungs.Sorry about Earl. He seemed like such a neat guy - just met him once.
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