Tuesday, January 09, 2007

uff-da (norweigan for 'oh-my' or something like that)

Hi! Whoa, it's been a 'tired trip' this last while. Somehow I got way behind on sleep and yesterday was a landmark VERY hard day. I didn't feel like I woke up all day. You know how sometimes I get a second wind. Mine never came. Sarah didn't nap and my tiredness manifested itself in dizziness (still present), full body shivers kinda thing (hard to explain), extreme irritability etc. When I got to finally lay down without having to keep an eye/ear out for S. I wept some because I guess I was so wired that my body couldn't relax...anyway, the night was better, but still felt pretty out of it today.
Went to town for playgroup and errands and everytime the 'action' let up a little, the wave of tiredness hit me and I'm like, 'ok, let's keep this going here' - somehow driving was relaxing though - oh, the road conditions were great, that's prob. why. We were I think the only car I saw on the road, not in town. Me and the trucks.
Anyway, had some encouraging conversations at playgroup, got 2 hugs (one girl from church was there too) and we came away with a grocery bag of free apples. A few months ago they were giving away apples and I snagged a whole bunch and they still had some there. I was able to select, avoiding the rotten ones, a bag for me and my friend Alyssa. Groceries - do you ever get tired of buying these? Everything was full price today. Library - anyone else enjoy Ron Sexsmith, like Andy and I have been? And "I Spy Seymour" books by Walter Wick for Sarah. "Bunnies on the Go" (Rick Walton and Paige Miglio) was another we read today with great art and rhymes.
Today's encouraging word came from a friend when we were talking about being irritable when tired. She said, "My girls don't need that environment to grow up in." (environment meaning us as parents 'freaking out' cause of tiredness etc.) It made me realize that I am in control of what I do and Sarah hasn't done anything to 'deserve' my freak outs when I'm overtired. So, nap story today...went poop and pee on toliet, she had milk (usually nurses to sleep), then soup (seemed still hungry), then major squirming in the bed saying over and over, "Sarah not sleepy," and some 'seems like Sarah's not sleepy,' but she was totally sleepy. We talked about her day some and about sleeping and she said once she wanted to go downstairs. Sometimes if her pleas get too impationed and it really does seem like she's not tired and I am tired of trying to get her to sleep, I let her play and we don't sleep. So, today I thought I'd see what she did if I just lay there and let her squirm and proclaim what was quoted a few sentences ago. So after more squirming she finally asked for more milk and fell asleep promptly...and slept for 2.5 hrs.
Enough sleep talk. We skipped Bible Study Sun. night (has been moved too) cause A. feeling under the weather. Church was encouraging - seeing people and having little conversations. Great song selection too. On the homefront, Cmas tree still up, swept the floor for the first time in a week :)
We made a nice easy fruitcake recipe when we got home.
I was so out of it yest. that I called my Mom-in-law at her home and forgot she is in California with her new grandson. Opps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Gabriel was that age I had to fake sleeping for him to fall asleep beside me...I wasn't always fakiing either.
Get some rest :)

10:11 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Uff da for sure. Inpite of your tiredness I thought your post was great. The Lord is surely helping your thinking me thinks. Crazy - know what I was dizzy today - five hours - yuck. Finally I can stand up and move around gently. I pray peace and rest for you guys. Thanks Lord for encouraging words, good roads, free apples and people who love us.


11:14 PM  

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