Thursday, June 02, 2005


I thought of a bunch of stuff to write earlier, but I'll see if I can dig it up.
Been keeping up with the dishes amazingly. Doing little 'loads' throughout the day is's like doing dishes is a hobbie. Oh, what shall I do now, oh, why not another load of dishes. YES! that's perfect, I come....(chuckle).
Sarah and I took the bus today to meet Andy at the garden. The bus took the route in the opposite direction (not direct to his parent's house) so we had a mini-tour of Abbotsford. It was nice but I was hoping it'd get me to where I wanted.
Oh, Wed. morning I got together with some friends and their kids. It's a group that was meeting at church and was cancelled for the summer but wants to keep meeting so they are doing their own thing. So, we were rained out of our walk so we were at Jody's house. That was very nice. I wanted to walk there but didn't leave enough time so ended up running.
The dead Dogwood tree in the backyard got cut down.
I discovered this website and email thing you can sign up on that informs you of food recalls etc. Here are some of the disturbing headlines I read:
April 9 - HEALTH HAZARD ALERT - Certain PRESIDENT’S CHOICE baby food jars may be contaminated with harmful bacteria
I put a couple new links up...for VIP Soap and the Forstbaurer farm. The Forstbaurer's are a family that we know mainly from our family's involvement with Camp Luther. Super cool family - 12 kids. Certified Organic produce from Chilliwack...they come to the Mission Farmer's market and other ones too I believe.
We are eating lettuce, spinach, swiss chard (soon) from our garden. The lettuce was a mixed bag so we have some pretty funky looking stuff. It's great...some was bitter, the stuff that got a little big, I believe. The spinach is superb. Everything is so luscious and green. And it's perfect, I told Andy, I volunteered to bring a SALAD to the church picnic on Sunday.
Oh, about church...I went to a meeting last night where anyone had an opportunity to ask questions re: the annual ministry plans or other things. I enjoyed hearing what other people had to ask and it was just neat to sit in a group and 'talk church.' In such a big body I think the general congregation can feel so disconnected from the inner workings of the church.
I feel this entry had been particularly bad re: punctuation etc. Hope the road wasn't too rough.
See ya.


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