as hard as you can...heaven on earth.
Dance as hard as you can. That's what we were doing at the Abby Rec. Centre tonight. I had such a blast. Hadn't been for a while - had two family things two Wed's in a row. The phrase 'heaven on earth' went through my mind during the class because I was having so much fun. It seems whenever I show up they are doing some sort of latin based thing. Tonight I'd call it a crazy latin hip-hop fusion. The teacher, Mary, is so super energetic and good...there isn't a full 10 seconds that is wasted in the class. Again, danced for a full50 min. with some abs and stretch at the end.
Andy and I had a date planned for tonight so I biked to the rec centre. My back tire was a little flat and I actually was praying it wouldn't blow on the way down the steep hill I'd just pedelled up. I wasn't late like I thought I'd watch. Andy dropped Sarah off at Mom A's and we went to Booster Juice...perfect for after the class. I'd brought a change of clothes which was good too.
Sarah Bara stood for 10 seconds on her own for Grma A and was playing games with her. Grma hide under the shorts and then I'll put them on my head and hide and pass them to you so you can hide again. Ah, cute. Weird Cherie's gone...but she made it to
Hey Cara
I love reading about your days. It just flows. Great pictures of you guys. It's great to catch up with you again.
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