why hello
Thought I'd put out a few words. So, you've seen the canoing pictures. That was a fun time. A little tricky to keep Sarah in one spot in the canoe, but not bad. She enjoyed most when we were moving and liked the other boats that were on the water.
On Wednesday we met Andy at the garden. We ran, trying to find this path Dad Abrahams had mentioned...I think we found it. There is a lot of city, still, between our house and theirs. Anyway, everyone was home and visited with Sarah while Andy and I picked our roma tomatoes. I really enjoyed that. It's neat to just get down into the plant and hunt out those red red ones. And in the greenhouse it's a little tricky because you have to lean and contort your body to get the tomatoes in the back without stepping on the bed. Anyway, we stayed for dinner which was nice. I grabbed a 'lay down' on Cherie's bed. Miss you too, Cherie.
Then yesterday, we canned all the romas...3 batches. Working with pretty dull knives. Andy will sharpen them soon. My mom took care of Sarah for a bit during this time.
Sarah's been waking up again at night for the past 5-7 days, but last night she slept through. Yeah. And yesterday I didn't have a nap and I was amazingly energetic.
Sarah is not walking yet, but she will stand unsupported for up to 10 seconds. It's cool. She'll let go of whatever she's holding on to and just stand there...or if she was holding onto me I'll let go of her and clap and sometimes she'll clap along.
She's smart. The other day, I said, 'Can you wave to Daddy,?' and she did. This is without waving myself. And someone asked her if she wants to read a book and she turns and points to the bookshelf. So cool. She signs 'milk' and I think I've seen her sign 'more'. Andy and I need to learn more sign language too.
Put laundry on the line yesterday and thought I'd leave it overnight but it got rained on this morn. Dough...all that work.
Andy is gearing up for a childhood dream of a fishing trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. He was invited by the maintenance man at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp. So on Sunday he'll take off to drive to Prince Rupert and take an 8 hr. ferry ride to the Islands. He's meeting up with Charles and Jim, Charles' friend, and Jim's dog(s) who chase the bears away. The guys will be fishing 'with' the bears on the river. Crazy big trip to the middle of 'nowhere.' So exciting for him too. He wasn't even going to ask me about it, cause he thought it was too much of a long shot, so was surprised when I said, 'I think we should try to make that happen.' So, he's been tying flies like mad (even during the movie we finished last night :) and gathering supplies. So, I'm sure we'll have lots of great pics to share. He'll be gone till the 20th, on which evening we're having Sarah's first b-day party with Grandparents, Great-Grandparents and uncles and aunt (just one aunt in town right now, Carolyn).
Can anyone direct me to instructions on how to share a video on my blog? I'd appreciate it.
Sept. is here and it seems like the start of a new year in terms of things starting up. We may be in a care group (yeah! missed this for a while now) and I'm back on design team at church (a small group that meets to discuss and plan how we can make our Sunday morning worship services more 'creative', i.e. express worship with not just singing etc.). I've also been asked if I would be part of a worship team. If you think of me in the next few days, please pray as I decide about this. I don't want to 'sign up' for too much.
Went to the 'great demo sale' at the HOJ on Monday and am really enjoying these two CDs. Fernando Ortega (Hymns of Worship) and Kathryn Scott's "Satisfy". I like the first song (Heaven Is Our Home) on Kathryn's album, it's more relaxed and 'homey' than the way we sing it at our church. So free, it feels. And these have got me dancing again too. It's weird and neat how many times a song will come on and I'll be sitting there and imagining choreography- I can see it all in my head - for it...and with lots of people. Hmm.
It think that's it for now. Bye.
Hi Cara, love your blog and something just passed through my mind as I was reading your last paragraph - how you hear a song and can "see, imagine" the choreography that could go along with it. Wow. God is so amazingly creative and He has put that in you. With me, well, He is still creative but in different ways - isn't it lovely to have variety in creativity? Praise God for you, Cara and how you have come into our lives as a family, adding a precious first grandchild and enriching our family beyond measure. Love your family (mommy, daddy, baby), and will be praying for you as you make some decisions about serving. Love Mom A.
Thanks so much mom for your loving words.
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