Big weekend it seems. Here's a bit of what happened.
Fishing and dinner out at the river. Brought the campstove and cooked up. Nice.
Sat. morning attended Abbotsford's Breastfeeding Challenge. Met the author of "Simply in Season" at the HOJ. Check out this cookbook. It's a gooder.
Sun. participated in the CIBC Run for the Cure.
We've been organizing Sarah's room so it's safer for her. Big job.
Abby people, check out this great 'contest.' Log your physical activity for the month (min. 1/2 hr. per day - doesn't have to be all at once) and be entered to win really great prizes - stays at hotels, kayak rentals, chariot stroller. Here's the link to the form. Or check out Abby in Motion.
See a pic of me and Sarah at the in motion walk (I'm in green on right, Sarah's in the chariot).
The lady in orange, leading the warm-up is the teacher for the drop-in Dance class I go to.
Jer and I just picked this cookbook up at Ten Thousand Villages here in Kelowna this week. (Jer's epiphenal idea; he's done some baking from it already) So far so good.
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