For the last 2 weeks or so Sarah has really been into books. She's always signing 'book' -- first thing in the morning (used to sign milk, but now it's book). One particular funny time was one night when she was having trouble falling asleep and we were letting her cry a little. I went back to her room and first thing she looks at me, sticks out her hands and signs 'book' with purpose, accompanied by the 'g' or 'k' sound that she makes when signing 'book'. It's often a tug-of-war between milk and books at bedtime too, so I'll read some and then we put the books to bed and say goodbye to them and then have milk. It helps if I sing our nightime song (Jesus, name above all names) to get her 'in the mood' for milk too. So, needless to say, we've been to the library to get more books. She's really into lions too, lately and roars really well.
That's great Sarah is so into books! Our boys love to look at books and Keags now "reads the words" to us..(he comes up with his own story or repeats what he can remember from memory). Every afternoon we have our "resting" time which the boys lay in their beds and look at books and eventually fall asleep, this is a great time (necessary=) for me as well as I can lay down and take a little much needed nap or do my own reading.
hi cara
I'm really interested that Sarah uses signs. Why did you decide to teach her signs? I have worked lots with children with special needs and use MAKATON (basic sign langyage) with them. When I do other kids ministry work we often use signs to reinforce the teaching point (so if the day's message is Jesus helps us, the symbol and sign is the hand) or if we are teaching a memory verse we use sign. I think its great. But I'm interested in why you decided to use it.
Good to here from you Jenn...I like the resting time idea.
Karen, we decided on using signs because children can communicate with their hands sooner than they can speak. It's cool how she can tell us what she wants/needs even though she can't speak yet. We use the book 'Sign With Your Baby' by Garcia, based on ASL.
Cara- I wanted to post that I am spying on your blog and enjoying your posts and pictures. (old friend of Aimee and Heidi so naturally I knew of you)
I'll have to get a copy of the sign book you mentioned. I tried sign with my other two but I dont think I did it enough for it to catch on. Teaching them simple sign for some words used often is so smart. I want to try it with this baby due in March.
Also, silly question, is Sarah cloth diapered? Your latest picture it looks like she has a cloth diapered bottom! (and your links seem to hint that you would)
this afternoon i am going to be busy getting all of my children's books out of the closet and onto the little bookshelf in the office for sarah! tell her that she'll be seeing real, live lions at the wild animal park this saturday too!
can hardly wait to see you guys
Shannon, yes, Sarah's in cloth diapers.
Heidi, we are excited too. Will start filling a suitcase today!
Lucky Sarah! I love cloth diapering and most people think it is strange to wash diapers- so it makes me smile when I see other people who do.
I hear you Shannon.
Hey Cara, Sarah is getting so active already! We used signing with our kids too. They learned please and thank you early with signing and now use them verbally, automaticlly. It's nice to be able to communicate with babies or toddlers that have delayed speach. Rowan didn't start talking clearly till he was 4, signing really helped.
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