french fries and ice cream
Well, you will never know what I've been up to unless I tell you or you ask. My post from yesterday inadvertantly did not get saved so I'll see what I remember from then. Lots of adventures since yesterday though to report.
Dad A. was up Sun. night to Mon. so we had a date Mon. night. Started out with me going for a swim (pool noodle workout/worship session - highlights - loon 10 feet away and great hills/trees to be in awe of) at the lake down the road. Then we found an Italian restaurant where we had our own 'room' to eat in - nice...I felt myself getting more and more relaxed as the meal went on. I ordered a tea also as I was a bit cold from swimming. Then to the bank and post office and out to pick Saskatoon berries until the mosquitos helped us stop. Other adventures - trying to rely on God's mighty working through exhaustion and my journel is full of much praise to him. Tues. we went to the Mom and Tots indoor play time (our 2nd time only - happens every week) and it was a lot more relaxing for me which was nice. Today's adventure was going to a different OUTDOOR summer Moms and tots thing. Today the focus was playing games (other days will be making crafts, looking at bugs etc). Sarah had woke up just in time for us to leave and we made it. Renee was there (Mom of twin boys (18 mos?) and a 3 year old boy and Louise (14 mos. girl and 3 year old boy. She was also babysitting another 3 yr.old boy). I'd met both of them before and they made a spontaneous plan to go out for lunch and go to the kids reading time at the library at 1 pm. I decided to go for it and we ended up walking to 'Cones and Dogs' where we had fish and chips and ice cream for lunch. Renee's husband was also able to spontaneously come as well. I ordered only a one piece meal and ended up basically having fries for lunch cause Sarah was really enjoying the fish which I dug out of it's batter :) Then I ordered a small non-dairy peach sorbet cone cause I thought she may feel left out with ALL the other kids having cones, but when I asked her if she wanted some she said, no, like I predicted. So I pushed back the cone and off we went, me laughing inside about my weird meal (and my tummy feeling the difference from what we usually eat) and smiling for a chance to hang out with other Moms. The 3 year olds had there own booth (there are only 4 booths in this small joint) and where being very quiet for awhile. Later we discovered they'd used half a bottle (or more?) of ketchup on their food...there was a lake. Then we went to the post office and to the library to discover that the program was for kids 6 and up...the fellow reading (world traveller guy named 'Max Tell') said he'd do a few pieces for the younger ones and then 'invite us to leave' becuase the content got 'scarier'. That was ok with me, but the 2 songs only lasted 5 or 7 min. and we'd kinda waited around (did lunch etc) for the program. Oh well. Then on the way back, walking still, we ran into another lady I met at our church who'd rescued a stray dog from the highway. This lady, Sally, was the Mom of the boy being watched by Lousie. While the 3 yr. old boys played in the phone booth, the twins napped in their double stroller and Sarah hung out on my back and 14 mon. old Isabelle in her stroller, the other mom's talked about and looked at the dog. Renee's family is looking for a dog...anyway, this went on for a bit so we decided to leave and go back to our car to come home. On the way home Sarah was occupied by a sheet of stickers she got in the mail (this sticker club thing, thanks to those who participated). She decorated her carseat well.
It's 10:45 pm on Fri. and sarah is still not sleeping...hmmmm...the plan is to go to Manning Park backpacking tomorrow afternoon. Yeah. Goodnight soon hopefully. Burnt some bread and banana bread in our new stove (Andy put it in)...I think it's too hot.
Wow, what a lot going on. I'm glad you and Andy could get away. Your 'hot' oven reminds me of our old gold one. When it was brand new, and we didn't know it was hot yet, my mom came out to visit and burned everything she baked. This didn't feel so good to her in front of her brand new son-in-law. When she got home she sent me an inexpensive oven thermometer and that's when we discovered it ran 50 degrees (F) hot. OK problem solved - and you remember always setting that oven 50 degrees lower than required.
I think it's great that you're connecting with other moms and their kids.
Bless you Cara. Love,
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