Tuesday, March 13, 2007

fort and seeds

Pics - us enjoying the fort one sunny day. Andy using his homemade soil block maker to make blocks of soil to put seeds into. The idea is that you don't have to cut the soil and roots etc. because there is a space inbetween the blocks of soil and the roots won't 'jump' over the space to attach into the other soil, so the seedlings will be ready to pick up and plant outdoors when it's time. He learned about soil block makers in "The New Organic Grower" by Eliot Coleman.
Sarah and Andy planting celery seed. I got to help too.

Into town again yest. in the truck. Car still not ready. Got to go to the Chiropractor (yeah!) - arms been sore again - and a bit of groceries and also Andy did errands.
Cute Sarah moment: She wanted to do something specific and I said, "I need to hang these diapers first," to which she says, "Would you like some help Mommy?" "Yes, I would love some help Sarah. Thanks for asking."


Blogger Kathy said...

"Would you like help Mommy?" What a welcome offer! Talking brings out all sorts of fun. I'm amazed at the soil blocker idea. Funny the roots can't jump the distance.

Sarah - I see you in Daddy's big sunglasses! And I see you helping plant seeds too!! I love you.

Love you guys,
Mom/Grandma Kathy

9:53 AM  
Blogger Alvin & Denise Engler said...

... is there a special way to water the seedlings so that when you water, the soil doesn't all mush together? looks like a cool concept. it's not too early to plant?

1:18 PM  

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