Monday, January 10, 2005

Go Sarah Go!

The latest with Sarah:
-she has discovered, in the last week, that her hands can be unified and can often be found holding her hands together in front of her chest, or bringing them clasped to her mouth to suck.
-she has had a real 'belly laugh' (as one of Andy's co-workers calls it) three times now.
-just today she reached out - with both arms - for a rattle I held out for her. She hugged it clumsily to her chest. Andy says this skill will go a long way and he'll teach her how to belay her daddy.

Celebrated my brother's birthday tonight. He'll be 21 tomorrow. Andy and I gave him part of a foam sleeping mat (from MEC) to use when he kneels at his computer :) Sarah was 'talking' with her great grandma at the party. It was really neat. During this time she did one of her little laughs. Even got it on video.

Mill Lake is still frozen - except for the part by the boat launch - and there were many seagulls out there screaching and eating doughnuts. Everyone walking around the lake seemed in great spirits and were smiling and saying hello. One fellow asked me with enthusiasm, "Is that a baby you have in your pocket?" "Yes, it is, " I told him. Saw a fellow, who is probably in highschool, with a brilliant mohawk and I told him so. He nodded and kinda half-smiled.

That's it for now. Pretty tired today as Sarah got up twice last night instead of once, which is the norm.


Blogger Aimee said...

Cara, I bet the mohawk guy was surprised to receive a compliment from a young mother. Little does he know the hairstyles you used to sport (thanks to gelatin), the music you listened to, and the outfits you wore. We are definetely mellowing out in some areas - fun to remember though. You were my wildness roll-model (all good things). Love you. Aimee

10:29 PM  

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