Saturday, September 10, 2005

the punks are still out

Went to a 'show' last night. Actually, I'd forgotten, a younger friend of mine had invited me and at 10:20 pm Andy and I are talking on the couch and I realize I forgot to started at 8 pm. I decide to bop out and see if it's still going on...the band we wanted to see (one of the girls from a youth group Bible study I led is in the band) was the last up. I get there and they haven't started. The place is "Classic Ryhmns" next to Replay Boardshop. The band plays in the store front and the entrance was around the side. Backing up a I pull in a guy asks for a jump...he needs to be at work in 5 min. So, we do that and then I wander into the venue. My friend isn't there, but I know a few others, including another girl who used to be a part of this Bible study. We ended up hanging out. The punks are moshing and dancing and smiling. Everyone I smiled at smiled back, friendly people. The band I came to see is called, "You Say Party, We Say Die." Krista is the girl I know from the band. I get to talk to her for a bit. She's set up a tour for her band across Canada. I talk to her parents. The lead singer of the band is from a childhood family friends (make sense?) of ours. She is free and wildly fun and dances like I used to. I wore my slip on sandels so always tried to allow a bit of extra room between me and the moshers. Talked to a guy who went to the church I grew up in...he's a few years younger than me...wondering what to 'do with his life,' what direction to take...good talk, very honest. Pray for this fellow, if you feel led.
Yah, it was funny seeing all the punks in there black clothes and fun hair-dos. It just reminded me of how I was 'in the thick' of that scene years ago. Now I see someone head-banging and my neck hurts watching.
Got to bed around 1 am. Crazy. Andy was still up when I got back - tying flies :) - , so we're both on the short end of sleep.
Walked this morning around the lake - all together - nice. Then we found a garage sale. Got some colored mitt/gloves, dish drainer rack, clip picture frames, a swimming suit and pants for Sarah, and more canning jars (!) for $5.
Last night was my Dad's b-day so we had pizza upstairs and visiting and apple crisp with raspberries. It was a very nice evening. Sarah got to stay up late too, as she had trouble falling asleep. It actually worked out good cause she could see my Dad's parents, who arrived later.
I made her b-day invitations yesterday. That was fun. Picked out some paper and then put a picture of her on the front with a couple of punched leaves on the front and the details on the back. Ok, talk to you again sometime.


Blogger Kathy said...

I love our birthday invitation. Re:the punks. I remember you coming home with "whip lash" from head banging and you teaching me to "skank" - do they still call that happy kind of dance that unfortunate name? Well, whatever they call it - it's fun.
Love, Mom

11:58 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

When Steve's band played at the school the students were dancing up a storm. They had just met each other three days earlier but some how managed to cut loose. There was this one girl who danced so beautifully and wildly and freely. I leaned over to Jenna Jensen and said -- she's like we used to be. Reminded me of the days where I followed your wild dancing at concerts and thought you were so cool. I still think you are cool! My heart was warmed as I watched this girl -- she reminded me very much of you. i love you. Aimee

ps. Jenna and I did pull out our old moves (I learned mine from you) and danced to one song - what a blast.

2:41 PM  
Blogger Cara said...

Yah Mom, I think it's still called "skanking."
Sounds so fun Aimee. Steven said that was the best concert on that trip cause the crowd was so great. Love you.

9:09 PM  

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