new plan
Oh the new plan because I am sick sick sick (Mom report - sore throat, achy, cold, then hot) is setting up the tent in the front yard and eating dinner (fishies Andy caught during our nap) outside. Kind of disappointing because almost all the remaining weekends of the summer are booked with things - weddings, grad reunions etc. It is sunny and wonderful weather and I said at lunch to people that I feel 150 % better being outside. Andy just dug out new potatoes (reds) out of our garden for dinner. Dad A., he said you'd be jealous cause there is minimal scabbiness.
Now I'm writing at 9:30 pm and we didn't set up the tent or eat outside but that was ok. Sarah and Andy hung out this eve and I hung out in bed. I'm feeling a little better. He 'hung out' with her a lot longer than I thought...hope this 'bedtime' goes faster. Popcorn sounds good later.
Many staff (most senior staff) here are very wiped out. Please pray for wisdom in running the program this summer while being understaffed. We have a heart for people not getting burnt out, of course. Smiling inside because of God's steadiness and Jesus strong name.
Oh - If you were here I would take you to the Dr. to have your throat swabbed to check for strep throat. Remember, that's the only way you can know - especially with a fever. Steve is just getting over strep. Take care of your heart and have it checked OK? I love you. Sorry you're sick. Is it the same thing going through the camp? Strep is fairly contagious. Prayers for your soon recovery and praise for God's loving presense with you.
May I say that....I am moved at how you support each other through Christ.
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