“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made us understand that this light is the brightness of the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ…but this precious treasure – this light and power that now shine within us – is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God is not our own.”
~Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:6-7, New Living Translation
I'm looking for the porclain star/snoflake. Tho your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made white as snow. I thought of each of my children as I hung mine up this year.
Love you,
Thank you for reminding me of the meaning of that ornament...I was remembering you told me the significance you found behind it and I couldn't remember what you had said.
It's not on the tree yet, but I think it relates to the Cmas story with what you've shared (the promise of Jesus making people white), so I think I'll put it on...I was thinking it was kind sad not putting it up this year. Love you too!
i like how the word "peace" is above sarah's head, like a little halo :)
Wow Cara, your daughter has grown so much. Wow, she's pratically a lady!
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