Friday, May 28, 2010

doctors verdict

So, Sarah's nigh time cough is a symptom of environmentally triggered asthma (mild) and the doctor has ordered that we get a dehumidifier and also new mattresses for her bunk bed (I got that bunk bed and mattresses when I was 12). The mattresses seem to be in great shape but act as sponges for mold, dust, spores and the like he said.

Last night I was up for over an hour with Sarah. The tea wasn't doing the trick. I read to her out of the BC Health Guide a little cause she wanted to know what I was reading (asthma section). Then later she had bad dreams and I joined her in bed for the rest of the night. I am thankful Jacob has been having a few better sleeps with only one waking again at night.

I cleaned Sarah's window (bit of black mold - yikes) and vacuumed and washed all the sheets and mattress pads yesterday too.

That's all for now.


Blogger Kathy said...

Sorry to hear this for Sarah. When you kids were little, I bought mattress covers. Vinyl that completely zippered over the entire mattress. It was pretty cheap and didn't wear that well and We'd have to tape it now and again and then buy a new one. I'd keep a mattress pad or flannel sheet on top. It did keep the dust and dust mites under control. Keeping the mold under control is great. Eventually we had to move you upstairs. I pray some little changes will help Sarah very much.

11:40 AM  
Blogger heidi said...

aww, poor sarah. tristan has had something something similar since he was 18 months old and his pediatrician also recommended the mattress cover that zips over his mattress. i also try to dust a lot more in his room (i'm horrible at dusting frequently!) and also wash his sheets/pillowcase etc. once a week in hot water, and then put them in the dryer instead of drying on the line. we bought him a pillow that was hypoallergenic and i cover it with 2 pillowcases. hope that you can find some good solutions for sarah :)

7:17 PM  
Blogger lil said...

I hope that you can get any allergies under control, Cara!! I'm sure it's not fun for any of you! I pray you find what is bothering her, and can correct it. Blessings!

8:44 AM  

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