Monday, April 16, 2007

updated links and news from lately

I've updated my links finally...added some family members and others. If you are a family member and I don't have you on my links, let me know.
Been feeling really tired of being tired all the time. Never waking up refreshed. Andy's been quite busy lately (see camp blog). You can pray for me that I focus on the right things and try not to do too much when I feel so tired and wake up sad or in tears and feeling down.
Enjoyed a gym night our church held on Fri. at the secondary school - floor hocky, badminton and volleyball. Loved the hockey. Brought Sarah. We had a rental group in and Andy's not huge into organized sports so he stayed back. Our pastor entertained Sarah for a while with a badminton raquet and a birdie that would fall off again and again.
Andy's been busy helping plants and chickens to grow...preparing a new home for the chickens in the barn.
Andy's Dad came for a little visit...was in the area viewing stars. That was nice to have him.
Andy is out in Penticton helping the Skinners return a rental car and pick up some groceries for us...the list is very long. We've been 'using up what's in the house' for sometime now, and buying just necessities and fresh veggies and apples. This time I put a star beside cocoa powder because I am really missing chocolate :) We are thrilled with God's provision though...government cheques arriving just in time, a relative buying our groceries one Sat. when we had a chance meeting in our local Overwaitea, etc. Our car - some of you may have heard, was fixed in town but the fellow who did it didn't finish up the job very well. He left some things unattached and our car was gussling (sp?) gas for a while (leaking) and running rough. Got a second opinion at our trusted mechanic (Arvid's-A&L Auto Sales) in Abb. on Easter Monday and they fixed our mainfold exhaust problem as well. Yeah! So the car is running well now. Thank you Lord.
Had Daniel over Fri. morning and we did some music. We both write our own songs and he is very encouraging to 'share my gift.'
Yesterday evening Sarah and I tried to go to care group but it was cancelled. We visited a few people in town and checked the mail instead. This was nice. Beautiful drive, Sarah was extra tired cause of no nap that day also.
We got a new to us small tv from the Schulzs so we can watch VHS without lugging around the 'oh-so-hard' to move TV we borrow from camp. Thanks guys.
Easter was nice, staying at the Abrahams and doing all sorts of family gatherings...lots going on.
I think that's it for now.
Rough night last night with me having trouble falling asleep, then being up for over an hour in the middle of the night etc.
Gave Sarah a haircut on Fri. and I think she looks beautiful. Yes, pics coming one day. Andy was a little shocked I didn't ask him but he warmed up to it. He likes her' long' hair (it tooks so long to come in) but it was so straggely and I said, "Now it actually looks like we care for her apperance, like with her a proper haircut." It will grow out more evenly now.


Blogger Kathy said...

Hi Cara,
A welcome post. Thanks for that especially when you are so tired. I keep you in my prayers for rest and refreshment. Sarah has such a cute style - pants and dress - and is such a colorful little character all around. I enjoy her.
I remember you playing gym hockey as a kid :) Glad you're having tent play.

I love you all,

10:54 AM  
Blogger Kathy said...

PS - Brother-in-law James!! No doubt about it that's some kind of type-o

10:59 AM  

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