It's my hand
Now I am positive Sarah is discovering her hands belong to her. On the change table this morning she is staring at her left hand outstretched from her body. Then she slowly brings her hand close to her nose and her eyes follow her hand till they are rolled all the way up cause her hand is so close to her face. Then she stretches out her hand again and rolls her wrist back and forth, watching this new found action too. Wow. As Andy said the other day, it is neat to watch her grow up.
Last night Andy was trying to get her to smile. Then he asked me to come and try. No problem. She smiled and 'talked' (cooed) for me three times. He tried saying the same things...same luck. She studies him but smiles at me. Sarah has become unsettled at the idea of sitting in a poopy diaper. She used to not care but now won't stop fidgitting till I change her, which is good I think cause I like to keep her nappy fresh.
While she was feeding this morning I had a 'teachable moment.' Before she gets on my breast she is so squirmy and anxious looking. I layed her on the bed and her head is turning this back and forth trying to find her food source. Her eyebrows are raised, her legs and arms are moving about and she makes these little desperate-type coos. The instant she latches on she goes all relaxed...sometimes her hands will be clenched slightly. I was reminded of St Augustine's quote ‘You stir us up, O Lord, and make us find joy in praising you, since you have made us for yourself; and our hearts find no rest until they rest in you’ (italics mine). Sarah reminded me of this as she would have no 'rest' until she had found the source of her nourishment. When she was "plugged in" she was so relaxed...just knowing that soon she would be satisfied. I desire that rest, that trust, as I interact with and 'plug in' (don't really like that expression) to my source of satisfaction, my heavently Father and Lord.
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