Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I greet the world with my mouth

This is what Sarah does these days - jutting her chin out, mouth agape, she interacts with the objects around her. Anything her hands get a hold of gets enveloped by those sensory gums and jutting tongue. She seems to really enjoy sucking on fabric. Today we went to the breastfeeding support group at the old court house at Community Services. It's the second Wed. of every month at 1 PM. Bigger group today. It was great and I met another vegan mommy and her 21 month old (also vegan). Got some good information on vitamin D and starting solids from the group. It was just so cool to be with a group of moms who are so pumped on breastfeeding. It was a glorious day and we walked there and back, making an extra loop to go on the boardwalk as we got home. Making rustic roasted vegtables for dinner - potatoes, yams, carrots, garlic and tofu sprinkled with spices and olive oil. Yum.


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