Wednesday brought us early nap, mix together the beginnings of some baking recipes, walk to medical tower and le leche league (combined this with a walk with my mom). Good meeting at le leche roomate from my first year college was there with her 11 month old. Snapped my picture of the day - actually someone else did for us - of a bunch of us at the meeting. I'm taking a picture a day while Andy is gone.
Ok, the rest of this post is very point form cause my tenonitus is acting up.
Queen Street Farms
Nurse and diaper change by dumpsters
Consignment store brings fun nestling animal b-day present
another nap
Fun crazy play with Sarah...giggling, laughing, excited
Dance class tonight-latin again! :), Mom A with Sarah
Hard for Sarah to fall asleep...missing Poppa, or hearing upstairs people clean kitchen
Read book three times together, then goodnight
Finish the baking - Cara and Sarah bars
Thank you for the walk. It was a happy time. I loved the meeting room - so very cheerful.
I love you,
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