a song for every day
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- My good friend Shannon got married to a good man n...
- This is what part of 'main street' at camp looks l...
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- its not what you do but who you are right?
- chips and fish and vinegar
- new plan
- french fries and ice cream
- Trooper (program director) and Sarah before she go...
- Gandalf (Brandon) taking time to read to Sarah aft...
- A bit of a walk along the kettle valley railway. I...
:: Our family business::
Abundant Acre Family Farm
:: Immediate Family Blogs ::
Sister Aimee
Mom Kathy
Brother Steve
Steve & Carolyn
Sister-in-law Heidi
Sister-in-law Cherie
Brother-in-law James
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
It's neat to see this photo. It would be fun to post a yesteryear one beside it.
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