Andy's cousin Jennifer sent us a box of clothes her daughter Carmyn is all finished with. It came at the perfect time, as we are nearing summer with not many clothes in sight...but now that is all changed. Lots of beautiful dresses, tank tops and some things for fall too. Picking up this huge box at the post office, I had to think twice about how to cross the street holding the box AND Sarah's hand. I thought of putting it on my head - no, too heavy. I managed it on my hip and urged Sarah to, "walk quickly, please." Here is Andy reading the enclosed note while Sarah surveys the clothes inside and then Andy as the "clothes rack." S. would take each piece out and examine it and say what it was and put it on his arm. Some pieces were put in other piles if they were 'too big' or 'for fall' I think. So, thanks so much Jennifer and Carmyn. We are very thankful, and my girl is very stylish now :)
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