Grandpa Lando and Grandma Kathy
Thanks for the fun visit you guys!
-meals together
-Andy and I got to go for a date
-Going to church together
-visiting after S. went to sleep
-you guys cleaning the kitchen and making -rhubarb crisp with the rhubarb you brought while A. and I were out
-quilt shop trip
My Mom has more pics etc. on her blog of our their time here, by the way.
Sarah says she misses you guys...she even shed a few tears about that fact the day you left.
Your welcome for that fun visit and THANK YOU all for helping make it so fun. Sarah Mae - only a little while - 6 sleeps - and we will see each other again in a new place!! I am looking forward to that. Eva, Elijah, and Anna will be there too. Oh Boy!! Are you working in your animal sticker book? You are a good finder of the stickers - good at matching them up with the pictures in the book.
Love you all,
Mom/Grandma Kathy
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