Saturday, November 27, 2004

growth spurt

Had my parents and Andy's parents over for dinner last night in honor of their support of us as we served at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp and had Sarah and moved back to Abbotsford. Andy fixed some fresh coho salmon and we had salad and rice and banana bread with dates, walnuts and chocolate chips for dessert. It was a fun evening.

Today we had an Abrahams Cmas gathering. Were at Grma's condo for a while, then out to dinner. People handed out Cmas presents. It was fun to interact with some of the little people at the gathering too - Rowen and Carmyn. Carmyn (5 years?) told me that this little ceramic figurine holding a duck above a well was Cinderella. Sarah slept the whole time at the condo and then just as the main dishes were being served I had to feed her. Oh course :) I look forward to decorating for Cmas and sending out a Cmas letter again this year. Andy says we'll decorate once December hits. Three more days...and three more days till we can get more groceries. Good stuff.

I think Sarah's having a growth spurt. Yesterday I was quite tired (read crazily zonkified for parts of the day) and after our parents left Sarah was up till 2:30 am! Before this she'd eaten for the last four hours - once every hour...and she'd been up all evening too. So, this morning Andy took care of her so I could sleep (minus feedings which are quite short now) and boy did I feel much better when I woke up in the afternoon. Wish I could've gotten outside today though. It is very cold this evening. There's word it may snow. Hope it's another clear day tomorrow.


Blogger Alvin & Denise Engler said...

Hi Cara -- very fun to read your blog. I can see you have many thoughts as a new mom -- good to see! Sounds like you're having fun with Sarah. Isn't it amazing when they discover their hands? Joshua would sit in his carseat and be mesmerized for long lengths of time by fingers waving in front of him -- ones that seemed to obey his every whim... hmmm...
God bless!

7:55 AM  

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