Saturday, February 12, 2005


Went to a MOMS (Mentoring of Mothers Society) conference at a local church today. Last year they had 35 women in attendance and this year they had over 200. It was cool, but I wish I'd had more energy to enjoy it. Sarah was up last night 3 times as oppossed to her usual one. Highlights of the conference were a workshop on building character into your kids and a session on home organization (good just to put it into step at a time)...and a visit from Sarah to nurse at lunch time. Sarah's visit was the highlight - imagine that :) Andy brought me lunch too, since everyone else was having lasagna. He did a bang-up job taking care of Sarah and she took a bottle no prob. (thank you Lord). She saved most of her poopy diapers till I got home though :)

It was interesting...all those moms. I thought, here we all are, looking our best and most of us don't have our kids here. What we are doing today and how we look (probably?) is not how we spend the majority of our time. There were doorprizes given out for people that met specific crieteria (most kids in least years etc.) so one could kind of get to know the people around them. I tried to imagine the moms 'in action' with, for example, their 4 kids under 4 years. I bet that mom really enjoyed her day off.

They had spa sessions we could take advantage of and I got my second pick of 'make-up tips' (first choice was a massage) which was basically a mary-kay 'makeover.' Now, everytime I come to one of these opportunities I 'go in' optimistic. I think, now maybe I'll finally learn the bit of information I need to feel confident for those two times a year I actually where makeup. I'm curious what colors would 'do me good' and how to put on eyeshadow, for example. But, I came away with the same feeling I always do, 'I don't really like makeup' and 'those colors were a little weird.' I had to select a grouping of colors myself (I thought the 'professionals' did that for me - I was with a girl who just started MK in Sept:)' and although I liked the overall outcome of my makeup for about two mintues, after that I just felt like a fakie. I think it's the foundation that does it...I feel like I had a mask on...even though its that nice 'light' stuff and *at first* it doesn't feel like you have anything on. I met someone I knew in highschool, from church, and I felt very conscious of my face and was almost thinking I should tell her, 'I don't usually look like this.' I'm sure she didn't notice - it was very slight makeup. And I come home and when I snuggle with Sarah I felt bad cause I was probably getting the 'goop' on her...and I can't rub my eyes when I'm tired and well, you have more to be self-conscious about than if you have brocolli in your teeth (did the mascara move etc.) Ah, did I (and do I still) feel better once I washed my face with our new ginseng soap. Yeah for real live skin with uneven tones!

Later this evening I bopped out to the House of James for a short time as there were four young ladies performing tonight - no guys on the 'lineup' at all....I had to go support :)

Prayer request: For a single mom friend of mine who had a casearan 6 days ago...She's back in the hospital as her incision opened. Her name is Crystal.


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