Thursday, December 02, 2004

social butterfly

It seems overnight that Sarah has become a social butterfly. When Andy came home from work I told him my back was sore. Now, at the end of the day I think I know why. Because I've been bending over the change table where Sarah lays for some open air time and 'talk' with her. She smiles so much more now. She was laughing more today too...a kind of cough-happy sound combo...yah, it sounds like a cough, and she's got a smile at the same time and she kinda brings her shoulders in. She likes being tickled on her face with my hair and on her tummy.
We set her up in her reclining highchair in the kitchen today while I made dinner and she just watched my every move. I think she may have liked my singing too.
Andy got some new material for tying flies. He's pretty excited about it and tried it out today.
Went to the VRC this evening...ran for 20 minutes. That felt good. There were'nt many people there, so it was nice.
Got some manderin oranges from Mom today that she got at a 2 for 1 sale. Wonderful. Yum.
Planning to try a new recipe - falafels - tomorrow. Cooked the chickpeas for those today.
Andy vaccuumed and put up our 3 foot Christmas tree today. The tree is actually my parent's, which we borrow, and our 6 foot tree, my grandparents borrow. We felt our 6 footer was too big for our last place and we feel the same for this place. I like having a small tree...keeps things from getting out of hand :) I'm sensitive (allergic kinda) to real trees, which Andy would really love.
I think Sarah's getting that bald spot babies get from laying on their backs and turning their heads. You're supposed to do something about this right? I'm inclined not to cause I don't really care, but if I don't do whatever it is I'm supposed to do will she not grow hair there eventually? Anyone have any feedback on this?


Blogger Manders said...

Aidan had a bald spot on the back of his head until he was about 4 months. Now it is all covered in hair! Don't worry. Hair will grow in that spot eventually, especially when she learns to roll over. Then she won't be sleeping on her back at all...Trust me!

8:41 AM  

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