Andy and Tristan - our first time meeting him. Heidi and Josh came up from California and there was a large family gathering (both Andy's parent's sides) . Fun.
We went camping in the field behind the barn on camp property a few weeks ago. Andy's aunt and uncle, Tim and Flo stopped by for 1/2 a day a while back. That was great to spend some time with them. The camping trip was very mosquito filled and allergy-crazy. We were camping in a field of hay - I have hay-fever and had just gotten my drugs that day and they hadn't 'kicked in' yet. It was a dark night and we slept without the tent fly on and the stars were great - lots of windows to look at them through. We saw a mama deer and her twin does on the way to our sight too.
Sarah really loved the bear. It was so bright, I lent her my (Andy's) sunglasses, her's were misplaced. It was fun to go to a parade cause we do them sometimes at home, or she lines up toys to be parades.
Cleaning a chicken and Andy and Sarah checking out a cardboard doll house we made (perfect for little people from Fisher Price). She designed the doors. We've made another one since with great boxes from camp.
We went fishing the day before father's day on the free BC family fishing weekend. Both Andy and I fished...I brought in 3 of these fellers. Great fun. I do recommend.