...Jacob is so responsive now and Sarah enjoys putting on shows for him. We can only find one Christmas CD after our move, so currently Sarah is dancing for Jacob and he is watching and giggling when she dances and uses a little high voice to make fun sounds.
I made bean bags for Sarah the other day (shhh) and Andy is planning on making a hole in a board to make a bean bag toss game. :)
Sarah created an idea for a gift for Jacob... a little cardboard 'book' and a paper baby on a spring pops out when you open the book. She's wanted a jack in the box for years and we think it's so single use that we've never got her one. Now we are making something like this for Jacob. :)
Elimination Communication is going great. I went ahead and bought a Baby Bjorn toliet with the inner part that is removeable, so you don't have to wash the entire toliet. It sits in the living room and I don't have to walk down the hallway every time I think he has to go.
Also, today for the first time, he did a trick. After a nap, I found him in the opposite position from which I had laid him down. His head was where his feet were when I laid him down. Wow...sneaky guy. He has rolled over a few times, but I don't know if they were genuine rolls or if it was more gravity working him down from a propped up arm position I had him in.