Tuesday, October 05, 2010
joyful jacob
Jacob has been doing a lot of growing up. As you can see, he is very joyful, enjoys buttons and has an incredible smile. At night, after I nurse him, he's been standing up on the bed, finding something to lift and throw and then he drops down, flop, on his tummy and laughs. Then I put him into bed and he falls asleep. That has been the routine the last few nights. He really enjoys standing up on that bed (our queen size on) and flopping down again.
He used that overturned coffee table to get up on the couch today...he is turning out to be quite the climber.
Sarah has been improving in her printing and reading. She also is taking a dance class this year.
Jacob has been practising his walking more and more lately. He really enjoys walking outside, in the backyard...also, when something really catches his attention he gets walking.