This is what I heard from Sarah as she was in the bathroom yesterday.
"God always loves me." (reading the title of a book)
now singing:
"Taking children on his knee, saying let them come to me
God always loves me, God always loves me, God always loves me, the Bible tells me so
Jesus loves me still today, walking with me on my way, wanting as a friend to give, light and love to all who live,
Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus Loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so"
I thought it was neat how she stuck the "God always loves me" phrase into the song. The Bible tells us this too, for sure.
And I include 2 pictures of Sarah because in one she is not looking as she normally does :)
Sarah with Auntie Aimee, and cousins Eva and Anna. Sarah had made the paper craft for Eva's 5th birthday.
Sarah and I before Sarah's dance performance at the Abbey Arts. She was in a Kid's Lyrical Class at Freestyle Dance Centre in Abbotsford.