A quick something. Lots going on it seems. A while back we went to Ucluelet for anniversary - 3 nights - nice. It's snowing lots here (1.5 feet in last 2 days maybe) and Andy is plowing and snow blowing. I'm involved with a small group doing some carols at a town event Fri. and we practiced (me singing, clarinet and guitar some) at our place yesterday. Took a quilting class this past week. Also a ladies night at our church - that was really enjoyable. Very Christmas themed, silent auction (to raise money for postage to send a gift to missionaries in Poland etc.), 2 ladies gave testimonies and 2 sang original songs of theirs. Been cross country skiing twice. Sarah a bit shy of the tobagan since we went down a hill 'too fast' one day. Got a different more kid-like molded sled our for her yest. while we looked for a Christmas tree, which will be small and maybe a pine tree, Andy pulled both of us at one point.
Now I'm typing and it's Tues. Yest. was a full day - too many full days lately. We went to the Howarths where I had a music practice with a couple fellows. we are doing some carols at the town 'light-up' Friday...and maybe some other places, but I may have to back out of some's been a big time commitment thus far. And figuring out clarinet parts takes a while. Then we had dinner there. Fun with 3 boys ages 9, 12 and 15 or something like that...goofing around at the table. Then to Bible study. I brought the snack a blueberry/rasp. cobbler and then home. So, Sarah and I both missed our naps and today has been good to stay home. I got a ski in again when Andy came in for lunch. It's minus 22 or so today, and the only cold thing was my hands.
Read some encouraging things in "Mothering Your Nursing Toddler". Here is one excerpt, "Most of us become quite childlike ourselves when we go to sleep, so it often feels as if we are being asked to care for a little person at a time when we are not so big ourselves. Then all too often we carry an irrational resentment of the night's interrupted sleep into the day. Sometimes the mother has big plans for the next day and is, of course, disappointed to be dragging because of lost sleep. Most days, however, mothers merely need to slow down their pace to cope with being sleepy. Sleepiness is one of life's many normal conditions that we can cope with very well if we don't fight it or push ourselves beyond what sleepy people can do." (from p.153, 'Getting Enough Rest' chapter) Yah, another encouraging part was about how preschoolers need less sleep than we may think and some don't get tired till 'late' and it's best to incorporate them into your daily life (evening) and just 'go with' whenever they fall asleep...the fabeld (not for some I know) 8 o'clock bedtime doesn't happen for many families...surely not us. Sarah's been a 10pm girl for months now. This had me being frustrated and wondering 'WHAT ARE WE DOING WRONG?' with bedtimes taking an hour and a half etc. So, I am very thankful for this book right now...especially when I don't talk to too many people lately about their kids etc.
Yah, I have an UNDYING optimism that can let me think things will go better than they will (shorter bedtimes) and me getting involved in things (oh, I'll have enough energy etc. with skipping naps etc.). But hey, I did say no to singing in the choir at church this Cmas. Yeah. Oh, deep breath, learning everyday, some lessons over and over eh. Thanks God for caring and carrying this Mama.
Did I say I took a quilting class last week too? I have the top (not borders though) all sewn together. Some of our pipes froze today. There was a breaker in the basement that wasn't on..they are thawed now and happy.