...beautious weather today, thank you God. Got to bike across town to my Mom's Conference. Andy took Sarah to his Mom's to be babysat. Conference good...learned about building up kids emotionally, about feeding kids and some on how to be a good wife
and mother. Pumped breastmilk before lunch during a break and that worked out well...had a quiet spot and read my Bible. Lunch was good...lasagna et al. Had a veggie one with only cheese on top I opted out of. Then got a ride with my Mom to Mom A's and chatted with her till Sarah woke up - 2.5 hr. nap or longer she had. Then TRIED to catch the bus...we were at the bus stop and I was like, "oh, we have 7 min. to wait, let's keep walking and get to another stop." We walked too far...the bus turned left the street behind us. So, 'we' ran as it was dusking. The other title to this blog would be "Sometimes I run out of necessity." I could write a small book on mis-reading bus schedules and mis-reading maps. Home. Then call Danny's cell phone and Andy answers...D and AA were climbing today in Squamish. An accident has closed the road since noon and they don't know when they'll get home. I have a lot of collecting things to do. Tired Mom Kathy (at Conference all day too) takes care of Sarah while I pick up my HEAVY bike from the church and get Sarah's bed, bike paniers, cooler, diaper bag, other bag from Abrahams house. Just enough time to be goofy with Sarah, put away a FEW things, bath and goodnight Sarah and here I am.
Kinda glad Andy's not home yet cause I feel like the liklihood of snapping could be quite high with the need for sleep I think I have.
Yesterday the sunshine energized me and I worked too hard in the kitchen ...arms sore now. Canned beans, made granola bars, washed dishes (that's officially Andy's territory...I can rinse though), cooked rice etc. It was fun though. Had I blogged yesterday the title to it would be WHAT WAS I THINKING? The sun so bright and I so warm working in the house made me think that it was SPRING (there are crocuses blooming mind you). We would have a picnic like we often too...boring eating in the house all the time. So, off we go to the park. It's incredibly windy...I am wearing a linen shirt and flannel shirt over top - that's it. Sarah's dressed slightly better....jogging pants, dress, turtleneck and knit hoodie, fleece blanket and nylon wind blocking blanket over legs. We consume our cool chilli and potatoes by the lake and return home promptly. Did look around a bit a the park for a wind sheltered area...no luck. Got out later dressed up better for a run...then I was removing clothing...the wind had died down.
Anyway, all this makes me think I will sleep incredibly well tonight.
I want to end off with a quote...
"Truth consists in the mind giving to things the importance they have in reality." ~Jean Danielou
And also a scripture a friend brought to my attention...I love the last part about life that is truly life...
I Timothy 6:17-19 NIV
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
...not so little the blog actually was.