doctors verdict
So, Sarah's nigh time cough is a symptom of environmentally triggered asthma (mild) and the doctor has ordered that we get a dehumidifier and also new mattresses for her bunk bed (I got that bunk bed and mattresses when I was 12). The mattresses seem to be in great shape but act as sponges for mold, dust, spores and the like he said.
Last night I was up for over an hour with Sarah. The tea wasn't doing the trick. I read to her out of the BC Health Guide a little cause she wanted to know what I was reading (asthma section). Then later she had bad dreams and I joined her in bed for the rest of the night. I am thankful Jacob has been having a few better sleeps with only one waking again at night.
I cleaned Sarah's window (bit of black mold - yikes) and vacuumed and washed all the sheets and mattress pads yesterday too.
That's all for now.