Our computer is all fixed up now, thanks to Dave at
Cascade Micro Systems, so I'm back to blogging.
Yesterday was probably the most busy day in the Abrahams household so far (after Sarah's birth). We went to Missionsfest because I had a BC
MB Conference Camp board meeting there. Andy took care of Sarah and brought her to me when I she was hungry. They went on a long walk together, from Stanley Park, where they parked the car and then back later to fetch it. The meeting was good. It's always excited to see what is happening in the camps. Then we drove straight to a baby shower I was going to in Abbotsford. My friend Crystal will be induced mid-Feb. unless she goes into labor before then (her hope). That was a fun time. There was a good variety of people who hosted (funny word here, I know) probably 5 body piercings besides ears :) Crystal enjoyed holding Sarah and several times I tried to get Sarah to sleep only to find that -no she wasn't tired, she was hungry. Reading her cues goes a little out the window when we're out sometimes...there's more than her to concentrate on. So, when I got home I was very tired and this morning woke up and the house was crazy messy and I was thankful for the good rest I had. Sarah slept pretty good too cause of her big day.
Have a bit of a cold/sore throat so I declared today a sleeping day. Thought I'd throw a load of laundry in quick cause all the bibs were dirty. Crazy thing happened. A disposable nursing pad that has this gel stuff inside it (kinda like what's in disposable diapers, I think) exploded in the wash. These little gel globs were coating everything. So, I took the load outside and shook each piece of laundry in the slight rain we had this after noon....took about 1/2 hr. (felt like) to do that. Washed the laundry again and dried it and its all good now. So much for a quick load.
Mid-day brought Sarah upstairs and Dad and Mom K. looked after her while rested more and later tidied up. I cleaned all the poop Sarah had managed to get on several things and now it feels like we're ready to start the week.
Andy visited his Dad today to plan what we'll grow in our garden. Darrell is not growing much himself this year because he works longer hours than he has in the past. Some of the highlights of vegetables that we'll grow are: peas, brocolli, kale, beans (i must like green eh?), squash, the yummiest beefsteak tomatoes I've ever tasted and romas, for canning. I look forward to canning and having our pantry stocked again. It's just not the same, buying tomatoes from the store, although the Glenn Muir Organic canned tomatoes are a special treat - the taste is so much fuller than their counterparts.
It's neat now that Sarah is more co-ordinated. She will often grab my hands when I'm buttoning her shirt up or wiping her gums. She rolled today from her stomach to her back.