Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Day off
Newsflash from yesterday...lovely day. Went to town - ate sushi, got a library card and lots of books for Sarah, a few groceries, back to nap for Sarah or I. Andy painted some (one wall they hadn't gotten too), while I shot some hoops down at camp (Sarah played a bit with balls too), read books outside, dinner (vegan lasagna with tofu, kale and garlic yum), ended the evening with baking bannock over the fire, which Sarah loved (the bannock)...warmed up to the fire (hot) idea. I called my Mom back and talked to her outside on the phone while I made more bannock and Sarah was given a bath with Andy. A little more Narnia to top off the night.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
No waves for me please
Want to see what happens to plants that were watered with microwaved water? Click here. Hmmm.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Incredible, Incredibly
Hi. I know I haven’t written much but captions since we’ve moved. There’s been a combination of reasons of course, moving – equals busy, busy, tendonitis, and not the right ‘mood.’ Waiting now for Andy to come back from fishing…so hope he got something as he’s had no success lately. Our lake is going through something called ‘turnover’ – an exchange of water and oxygen in it etc - that happens when a lake thaws and basically the fish don’t feed (is it?) – well, you can’t catch them – for about 2 weeks. So he busted out to some other lakes to see if they’ll ‘produce’ anything.
Ok, going back a bit. Moving in here was incredibly hard work. Cleaning took a lot of time and energy and I felt like I haven’t physically worked so hard in a while. Hunger pronounced itself at regular intervals. Setting up the kitchen took longer than expected…so many cupboards to clean. The first few days my arm really hurt, then subsided and I thought maybe all the physical activity (scrubbing) was getting it into shape, but now we are back to the ‘normal’ of on-again-off-again pain. I am trying to be more diligent with my physio excersies, which take longer than the lady said they would (they always have…each time I get a workout plan…funny). Then Dad and Mom K. came and that was great…I don’t want to imagine what setting up would have been without them.
Fast forward to this weekend ok? People. People. People. It’s funny because on Fri. I was noticing that the phone just doesn’t ring and I was missing people and noticing the isolation factor living out here. The next day a HUGE work party comes to help out at camp. About 70 people from Summerland Baptist church came and there were trucks and people EVERYWHERE painting, putting new plywood porches on cabins, building a ‘lean-to’ for kayaks and canoes to sit under, bleaches at the basketball court, posts along the toboggan run, cleaning trails around camp and burning wood from dead trees which had been cut down the day beforehand (many other things not listed). It was really amazing. Carol, the director, said the work they did would have taken one person about 1 year to complete. Pretty cool way for Andy to start his job eh? Yeah, this guy from the above mentioned church just had it on his heart that camp needed work and organized people to come help. They also contributed a big financial gift which covered supplies for the projects. So, I met some people…had meals in the dinning hall etc. After lunch one day a 3 yr. old boy plays peek-a-boo with me behind the curtain in the dining hall and then asks Sarah if he could show her his cabin. An older girl – Lindsey– in gr.3 is hanging around this little fellow too – Jack is his name. So, we take off to his cabin, with his Mom calling behind to see what’s up. We all walk there together and long story short, I made a new friend…Karen (the Mom) is into photography – she was documenting the work being done – and is Mom to a 17 yr. old, 3 yr. old and a 2 yr. old. The youngest two were sick and I got to share my infant Tylenol with them – poor things. So have an open invitation to go hang out in Summerland – 1.5 hr. away. Karen’s a stay-at-home Mom too. A note on Lindsey. On our walk to the cabins, Sarah and her made friends. She helped her down stairs and Sarah would reach her arms up to L. and she’d carry her for part of the way. L. was spectacular with the kids…it was neat to see this friendship formed. When we said bye to her Sarah was signing ‘more’…more playing with L.
Prior to this weekend I had some rambling thoughts about not feeling a part of camp. It’s different than at Crowsnest were Andy and I were both on staff. I said to him, “I want to go to a staff meeting, a prayer meeting, help out - I feel so out of it.” And there is an open invitation to help/volunteer/work for pay as much as I can/want, but it has not been possible. I’m working incredibly hard here at home (on top of the dishes pretty much every day – new home, new plan, clean everything up after every meal – novel idea eh?), and we are still unpacking slowly, my energy has been low – although the first week or so I noticed a marked increase in energy –more on that to follow. Then a revelation I had was that I can pray…and THAT is significant. Yeah, thank you Lord. He answered prayers for safety for the work crew. Sarah and I had a good time of coloring/drawing pictures/reflecting and making a welcome sign for the work crew in the chapel…the chapel looks like a small roadside chapel and it seats 8. We were going to color outside but there was a big chill in the air. We also drew a picture of Andy vaccumming cabins.
On the energy topic…I’ve noticed I don’t feel so drained in general and think it’s related to all the windows here in our home. I don’t feel so anxious to get out of the house because I can see so much from within the house – down a valley, up hillsides…I can see places that would take me hours to walk to versus what I could see from the basement suite we were in.
Looking for a good destination walk for Sarah and I…with the stroller, like for excersie for me. Decided it’s not the safest to run down the highway to the other end of the lake - save that for when I’m alone. So today we went down the driveway of camp, a bit down the highway with the big shoulder, back down the driveway and down ‘mainstreet’ (a ‘street’ with little buildings – firehall, general store, blacksmith shop etc.) and through paths between cabins to the playing field where I took Sarah out of the stroller and continued running around the playing field, running past her every few minutes to touch her hair – she’d giggle. She enjoyed pushing the stroller, playing with it’s buckles and watching me and ‘running’ a bit herself. Hung a few pictures today – Andy and I. Yeah, he’s home now…It’s 9:15 pm.
So, he’s been working incredibly hard lately too. Sat. was like 12 hr. I think – with the work party here. And Sun. a lot of the ‘party’ continued working, so that was a pretty big day too. He got sent home for a couple hours and back out in the evening again. Last night we were so tired but I got refreshed with a bath while Andy bathed (2 tubs!) Sarah and read to her, so after that we watched some of Narnia (Easter present yeah!). So, Andy had today off and tomorrow as well.
Andy’s Dad was here! We woke up Sun. morn and he was sleeping in the guest room – didn’t get his message. He was in Merritt trying to hook up with some people for a star gazing party and wanted to crash at our place on the way back. He left his bag with his name on it in front of the guest room door as a clue and as I came down the hallway in the morning to get something I stood there staring at it for a few minutes till I understood. It was great to see him and we went for a walk around camp with Sarah on his shoulders. I think he hauled brush with Andy and some work crew people too.
Well, I think that’s all for now. Oh, Sarah and I took a trip into town last Tues. and shopped – groceries, phone cord for our dear ol’ dial-up connection (spending way less time on the computer now J . The grocery store had this ‘sharing’ box of used kids books you could take and it said something like, ‘think of contributing a book another time.’ So Sarah picked out a Mickey Mouse toddler book about shapes which she was very happy with on the drive back to camp. Planning on going to town tomorrow as a fam. Hope the library is open – it’s got funky hours. I ‘need’ some fiction (like TV for me, right – relax, escape).
To answer Teresa, yes, camp still has that hike to a cross…we can see the cross from the lake and various other places…got to check out that again. Peace friends…don’t be strangers. I just cleaned the guest bathroom and am working on curtains for it too – sorry Dad A. for the brightness (no curtains hanging for his stay).
The title for this blog comes from Carol saying the work that was done the past few days was 'just incredible.' And 'incredibly' is to describe how God has carried Andy and I along through these big days.
Friday, April 21, 2006

The start of a tradition. Easter Mon. we went for a drive...Drove 20 min. and saw 9 lakes! The tradition is take a family picture in a wide open spot to represent the freedom (from death - to live forever) we have in having a relationship with Jesus - and this was made possible by his death and resurrection - what we celebrate on Easter. I think this turned out just lovely. It was a fun time driving around and romping in the wide open spots we are grateful to call our neighborhood!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
hi again
Boring title, but hey...landed in Abby for Easter the Abrahams...Cherie re-met Sarah and they are friends again now. Tomorrow we meet two new babies at my Dad's folk's house. If you haven't already, check out my Mom's blog for pics of our house. It is a wonderful place to live. A few quotes from me, "I think the trees are good for my soul" on the drive to and from Abby and Princeton. The other quote I must find where I wrote it so I don't mess it up.
Yah, good to have my folks out to help clean...can't imagine were we'd be now without their help. I very much was excited about clean carpets. Painted yesterday...Carol, the director of camp and Andy painted. Andy put all the books in our bookshelf and it's looking quite homey. We have a birdfeeder up and enjoy stellar jays and chickadees. Went for our first run in the neighborhood...down to the end of the lake and back.
I seem to have more energy living in this house with all the windows...that is nice. Were also in Abby Tues night and Wed. for a fundraising dinner for the camp Tues night. The trip back and forth left me (and Sarah, I think) pretty tired and spent and we considered whether we'd come for Easter or not, having just been here. Anyway, the trip out today went well. Did you know you can read books to children in cars if you have the book memorized and have your mirror down and ask them to turn the pages while you read? Also did some 'plays' with a little teddy bear who hibernated in a sun hat. :) Anyway, had a lovely Easter meal and egg hunts here tonight. Sarah found plastic eggs with little people and snacks inside (grape, apricot). Adults found traditional choc. bunnies. Time to put Sarah to bed. Remember, we get our phone, Lord willing, April 18th. Regarding that, it's been very peaceful being disconnected. Thinking of unplugging our phone one day a week for about 6 hours during the day...but as Andy says, we'll prob. get a lot less phone calls, and really enjoy the ones we get. Anyway, ok, that's all.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
ok, one more
Upstairs at my Moms...moving went good - packing up the truck I should say...waiting around for Andy to come back. Discovered today that we'll have no phone thus no internet connection till April 18...someone has to come out to the house physically and set it up. Mom A helped with cleaning today and Mom K entertained Sarah during the truck packing time. I made lunch for the guys and we had pecan coffee cake for 'coffee break.' James and my Dad helped pack too. Queezed (how do you spell) a little park time with a friend - Heather - and her girl.
Ok, Sarah and I go outside now.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
last abbotsford post
Hey, boxes everywhere. Sarah and I still sick a bit. Andy and his Dad move our stuff to Princeton tomorrow. More last minute packing tonight. So, talk to you when we're all connected up in Princeton...may be awhile, we'll see. The computer is getting packed up tonight. Bye for now. Got out on my bike to the library - that was nice.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Thank you eveyone for your comments and words of love and thoughts. We have a new phone number for our home at camp now. It'll be in service on Thurs. already...I think internet will take a little longer. Just wanted to say that. Enjoy the pics. Naptime - Ahoy!